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Hot Federal IT Areas for End of FY'15 Business

In this installment of the federal podcast series, Larry Allen, of Allen Federal Business Partners, talks about the hot federal IT areas to focus on for business at the end of FY’ 15. Larry believes that this federal year end is shaping up to be one of the best in recent memory. There’s plenty of money left to spend and priority areas the government will be spending on.

Listen in as Larry provides his insight on what you can expect as a contractor for the remainder of FY’15 and on where you should be focusing your business development efforts.

For more information on this Federal podcast series contact the Comstor Federal Team at federalsales@comstor.com or 800.955.9590.

Direct download: Comstor-podcast-Federal-7-1-15.m4v
Category:Federal -- posted at: 11:03am EDT