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Comstor and VOX Partner to Win with ERS

VOX Network Solutions has fully integrated Comstor’s Executive Relevance Selling (ERS) program and has experienced first-hand the power and effectiveness of this unique sales tool. Watch video

ERS is an end-to-end sales methodology that translates Cisco solutions into hard cash flows and helps close business at the executive level, where the critical conversations around IT investments are now taking place.  Like VOX, Partners who use ERS build bigger pipelines and sell more at greater margin than those who do not use ERS.

Please click here to learn more about how you can leverage Comstor's ERS to build your Cisco practice. Also Watch video on Youtube.

Get Started Today! "Comstor Executive Relevance Selling (ERS) For information, please contact: David McNicholas, Comstor Director of Strategic Business Development, at david.mcnicholas@comstor.com or 303-222-4752

Direct download: VOX-vPOP-Comstor_Success_2014.m4v
Category:Success Stories -- posted at: 4:09pm EDT